This is a big question…and when it is the case, we probably are not even aware that it is. Because our mindset is mostly unconscious to us, it drives our way to look at the world like a pair of lenses. Over the months that I have worked with clients and worked on my own business, I have realised the importance of mindset in how we shape up our careers. However different the situations I am exposed to, they usually share one big common point: our mindset isn’t where it needs to be. So how do you identify where you mindset is at, and how to optimise it?

Think of your mindset like a separate person from you running the show. It operates from long-held beliefs you have integrated since you were young as ‘truth’. And it literally filters your options and shapes up your reality every day. For instance you might believe that finding a part-time job is hard. Or that you can’t go from a role in X to a role in Y. Or that because you haven’t worked for a while, you need to revisit your skills. And so on. When you hear statements or opinions that echo your mindset, the latter gets validated and you keep seeing further evidence of it. See what I mean? Mindset is a spiral. Unless you change its direction or shape, it keeps bringing you the same results. But it goes upwards or downwards, your choice.

So next time you hear yourself talking about not getting what you want, start by asking yourself ‘what part did my mindset play in this?‘. What assumptions do I have about this? How do I talk to others about it? What am I gaining by thinking this way? This takes reflection, distance and a willingness to catch yourself out. Coaching uses simple questions to nudge someone into that zone, in order to start questionning the inner beliefs at play.

Now you will ask, what sort of mindset do I need to have? In my experience for most careers, it needs to be two-fold. Firstly it needs to be about trusting you can. In other words it is about not doubting yourself. So very quickly and frequently do we let our minds believe wrong truths because we are afraid of our greatness, and of potential failure. So the default mechanism is to think and act smaller. Going for a non-stretchy role. Taking on another course. Over-preparing. Waiting for someone else to do it first. Getting all the guarantees you can get. The right mindset is knowing that you are enough, have enough and know enough right now for your next step. And that you will figure the rest out as you go (because you are smart enough).

This nicely leads into the second aspect: a right mindset is adaptive. Also called the ‘growth mindset’ by Carol Dweck. This is about being OK with not knowing how things will unfold. About letting go of control and being fine with experimenting. In this case, your mind remains open to several perspectives and ways to go about things. You give yourself permission to explore, and adjust as you go. This means ‘failing’, which is more about bumps in the road than straight falls. Because you half expect them and you bounce back without too much chest-beating. Along with that come the abilities of resilience, learning and being optimistic. This type of mindset is often not our forte, as we are trained to know the answers first. But according to research, it is the most important skill for today’s female leadership roles.

So start watching your mindset and question it from a bit of distance. Or ask someone you trust to challenge you. Because many times, it is as simple as changing the way you look at the situation to make real, fast progress. It can save you lots of time, money and headaches. And you don’t have to leave the house! So whatever challenge you are faced with right now, ask yourself if your mindset is one that spirals you upwards. And if it’s an open, ‘give-it-a-go’ mindset or if it’s a ‘choice-eliminator’. With the right mindset, new ideas pop up that lead to positive actions and results.


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