At this time of the year, you probably have reflected on what you achieved and didn’t achieve in 2017. Then most of us who are setting new goals are probably following the same reasoning: a strong willingness for things to change, to make amazing things happen this time around. Am I right? The little issue with this is that we can repeat the same pattern year on year. We set high goals, don’t achieve them, then repeat again the following year. So here is my personal take on how to set the right goals for your work and life this year.

First up, you might be someone who isn’t into setting goals. You kind of follow along as things go, trying to optimise based on opportunities or what you feel like. This was me for years, until into my mid-thirties. My years weren’t bad, but I was going with the flow and looking back, I didn’t call the shots or own my results (or lack of, for that matters). Setting up goals allow you to achieve real progress, be more, have more and do more. And this feels great. Unless you are blissfully happy where you are at, I recommend you set up a few things to shoot for this year.

Let’s start with what not to do when planning your goals. The big one is the temptation to go for what you ‘should’ be doing, based on your age/situation/career to date. Like getting a promotion or a pay rise, becoming a manager, change jobs if we have been there long etc. This is obviously looking with the lenses of society, your peers, plus your own lenses (which can be extremely large for some of us). So we make grand statements of what our year should look like in order for us to feel good enough at the end of it. The problem with this approach is that comes the first challenge, we will find ways to decrease our goal or get around it. Because we don’t own it with our hearts and minds to start with.

The second lesson around goals is not to confuse them with habits. The latter address the ‘how’ of our year, whilst goals should answer the ‘what’ and ‘why’. It’s nice and easy to jump straight into tactics. It’s also a smart way to avoid thinking more deeply about what we really want, and why it matters to us. Does this resonate? Again if we just set up habits, but don’t know what else we are getting this year, we will be at the mercy of circumstances to give them up. Habits should support goals, not replace them.

Personally I think goals don’t have to be ‘hard’ type goals, with a sense of painful stretch. We need to flex them up or down according to who we are and where we are at. You don’t have to set yourself up to be a superstar this year. Here is my permission slip. Who really cares what you will do and achieve? About 99% you. So your goals should exclusively reflect your own needs and wants.

If you ended the year exhausted, stressed out and maybe unwell – then your goals should be about taking it easy this year. You might think that is not good enough, but in your case, it’s best enough. You can use this year to hit pause, recharge and get clarity on what changes need to happen – so that next year is rocking for you. I did this last year and it allowed me to build the next chapter of my career gradually and sustainably.

Now if you are well and with good energy, then plan to do something you are really excited about this year. A new part in your role or a move to an industry you are passionate about. Going back to work in a part-time capacity in a role that excites you. Learning a new skill to become more employable in the field you love. Deciding to change careers and carefully planning your steps with some support and tools. Taking 6 months off work to go travelling. The list is endless…just think of what you would do if time, money and external approval were not an issue. Is the picture different now?

I hope the above can guide you in setting up goals that are the right ones for you. That you can stand proud on, and feel like they fit like a nice outfit. If you want to chat about them or pick my brain, you know you can always reach out. Happy goal setting and wishing you the best year for YOU.

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