by Cecile | Aug 21, 2017 | Balance, Time management
Do you often hear yourself think ‘if only I had more time..’? Well you do have enough time. The key is how you decide how to spend it. Time management becomes an active process where you make choices.
by Cecile | Jun 19, 2017 | Balance, Time management
Are you guilty of taking on too much? I know I certainly fall down that trap too often. But I keep doing it, and getting the same results. My priorities get washed down with multiple others, and I get to the end of the week wishing I had done more. Therefore I have...
by Cecile | May 29, 2017 | Balance, Personal Development, Time management
Stress is becoming more and more a life companion for most of us, and is particularly invading our work lives. Like me, I am sure you are seeing many stressed workers around you. It might even be you – running from one task to the next like on a treadmill that...
by Cecile | May 16, 2017 | Balance, Motherhood, Time management
I see the vast majority of working women running around managing multiple things and wishing they had time for themselves. Even if it’s just one little bit of time for self-care. But it never happens. Why? And if you are in that boat, how can you change things...
by Cecile | May 15, 2017 | Balance, Career Growth, Time management
We have now gone from multi-tasking to multi-jobbing. Jobs these days are not only increasing in hours, but they are also gradually increasing in tasks, making them ‘multi-roles’. Are you one of these people who are ‘lucky’ enough to have such...
by Cecile | May 3, 2017 | Balance, Motherhood, Time management
Have you noticed the last time you had a slow moment? In today’s times, where everything has accelerated, there now seems to be a trend to find a slower pace somewhere in the middle of our busy lives. Yoga studios are popping up in every suburb, mindfulness is...