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Ep #93: Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy

Ep #93: Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy

In this episode we look into how to achieve the optimum balance for ourselves across masculine/feminine energies across our career + life. You’ll learn all the expressions this might take, how to identify where you sit and change when off-balance. I…

Ep #93: Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy

Ep #92: The 5 Main Blocks to Your Next Career Step

When we start thinking about changing jobs, or career direction, our mind often gets into fear or doubt mode. And this tends to get us stuck, instead of moving forward with concrete action. It’s very normal by the way. But if we don’t address those…

Ep #93: Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy

Ep #91: What Are Your Career Achievements?

Many women find it difficult to speak about their career achievements. Why is this? And how to help them? With these questions in mind, I talk you through what is holding women back and how to reframe your achievements with a focus on the value you…

Ep #90: Action vs. Procrastination

Ep #90: Action vs. Procrastination

Why don’t we do what we really should be doing? Let’s explore this big topic together without any shame or guilt to get things to change. We dive into the intricacies of procrastination so you understand why it happens, then what real action looks…

Ep #89: How to Prioritise

Ep #89: How to Prioritise

Do you feel in control in your career + life? Or does it feel more often like there are too many demands and not enough time? Most of us need a method to prioritise in our lives, so we can yield the results that we want (and avoid burning out). …

Ep #88: March Check-In & Reset

Now that one quarter of 2024 has passed, I take you through a process to check in with your progress so far, track your results vs. your goals and reset your path for the rest of the year. As we enter the new astrological year with Aries season, this…
