Ep #98: Understanding and Overcoming Self- Sabotage

Have you been wishing to get something done, yet find yourself always hindered somehow or side-tracked? Have you been procrastinating, or trying to get the perfect solution? These indicate you might be self-sabotaging. And when we do it, we aren’t…

Ep #97: How Do Your Weeks Feel?

Do you suffer from Mondayitis? Do you love to be Friday night, and count down to your next holiday? Then maybe your weeks could do with a little makeover. In this episode I talk about how to make 70% of your year enjoyable, and these are your…

Ep #96: How to Be Confident at Work

This is a must-listen episode for anyone who wishes to grow their confidence at work, in a way that feels authentic and effective. I talk about predisposition and conditioning when it comes to being confident, and how the state of your nervous system…

Ep #95: 6 Lessons in the First 6 Months of 2024

As a continuation of the Mid-Year Review (episode 94) I share with you 6 of my lessons so far this year, across my career + life. We talk self-worth, social media, waiting, the fear of success and much more. I trust these lessons will guide you in…