How to get your confidence back
You feel less confident than before, and want it back. The answer does lie within you, with you choosing the right thoughts.
You feel less confident than before, and want it back. The answer does lie within you, with you choosing the right thoughts.
When you are unhappy at work, you have the choice between 2 options. Only one solves the problem for good, the other one only delays it.
When looking at their strengths, women are prone to dismiss being nice to others as one that matters. The reality is that it makes them better at their job.
I’m gathering here the key insights, truths and tips from women who balance work and many things in their life, or try to make a change in their career.
As I celebrate 2 years at The Career Catch Up I am sharing with you my insights on the journey. See what is possible for you too.
If you are looking at a change in your career, it is worthwhile looking back to where you’ve been and deciding that you can do something else.