Taking on too much

Are you guilty of taking on too much? I know I certainly fall down that trap too often. But I keep doing it, and getting the same results. My priorities get washed down with multiple others, and I...

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Getting mother-friendly in the workplace

This is a hot topic in today’s society and it might be at the heart of your own work challenges. You might have young children and strongly seek a workplace that will accommodate for that,...

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How to show your worth

You may be working hard in your company but feel invisible or that people don’t know the full extend of your abilities. You may be willing to go up the corporate ladder. At times you just...

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Becoming a good people manager

I have been fortunate to manage multiple people in my career so far, and really believe it is one of the most rewarding part of working. Seeing people develop over time does give me more...

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Stuck in a career rut

I regularly meet women who are stuck in a career rut. They might be realising their line of work isn’t for them. They might have accumulated solid experience in a field but want a change....

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Five lessons from a transformational year

A year ago, something happened in me that transformed the direction of my life. As I look back on the journey and where I am today, I find it timely to share with you the key lessons that I have...

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In a close relationship with stress

Stress is becoming more and more a life companion for most of us, and is particularly invading our work lives. Like me, I am sure you are seeing many stressed workers around you. It might even be...

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Introverts in the workplace

Is this you? Are you an introvert and find it challenging to fit in at work? Do you feel pressured to change? Do you sometimes feel an uncomfortable tension deep inside? Are you one of these open...

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The spark for change

In my surrounding of clients and friends, I see people who want a change in their lives. Quite often it is about a change in their career, their day-to-day job or a direction altogether. And there...

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The secret to self-care

I see the vast majority of working women running around managing multiple things and wishing they had time for themselves. Even if it’s just one little bit of time for self-care. But it never...

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The multi-role trap

We have now gone from multi-tasking to multi-jobbing. Jobs these days are not only increasing in hours, but they are also gradually increasing in tasks, making them ‘multi-roles’. Are...

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Slow Hour

Have you noticed the last time you had a slow moment? In today’s times, where everything has accelerated, there now seems to be a trend to find a slower pace somewhere in the middle of our...

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The essence of balance

I care a lot about balance, as it is a core value of mine. And these days I see and hear everything and anything being thrown into the ‘balance’ concept. To the point that many women...

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Jumping ship?

If there is an error I have made a couple of times in my past career, it’s this one. I got fed up with my job and left. Not that I didn’t bounce back, but in hindsight and with now a few...

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The laser job search

I have been job hunting at regular intervals in my career, and can tell you that these days it is different. The rules have changed significantly, and will continue for the foreseeable future. It is...

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