Why are you sticking it out?

Some women stay in their job well beyond the use-by date. Find our the five key reasons that make us do so, and how you can get past these to move onto your next step.

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How do I switch off outside of work?

It can be hard for some of us to switch off from work. I’m sharing here my tips to create space between you & your work – sometimes literally. Because those breaks are critical to allows us to handle the rest in our lives.

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Confront your fears at work

Some core fears can hold us back from success and enjoyment at work. They can lead to regular worries we would prefer not to have. Learn about five main fears and how to deal with them.

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The time is yours to manage every day

Do you often hear yourself think ‘if only I had more time..’? Well you do have enough time. The key is how you decide how to spend it. Time management becomes an active process where you make choices.

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In the lovely land of control freaks

How to deal with control freaks at work, or if you have these tendencies yourself. Control is often not required to such extend at work, so here are some strategies to cope with control freaks or let go a little bit more.

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Who is on your support team?

Behind every successful woman, there is a supportive person. Who is on your team? Learn the types of people you need to be successful (and the ones you don’t).

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Feedback is a worthy gift

There is a stigma attached to feedback. People dread it, so they avoid it. And when they hear the word, they immediately think it’s negative. It does not have to be like this, and it...

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“I hate networking”

Is this you? If so, you are in good company…I hear this a lot. I even used to say it myself. But I’ve come around and realised networking isn’t what it used to be. And the new way...

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