To be engaged or not to be

Surveys show employee engagement is down in Australia. Staff don’t find what they care about in their workplaces. But we play a role in our engagement and can drive it in many ways.

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Empower yourself

As women are rising in the media, so can you at your own level. Here are all the ways you can empower yourself to become more confident, free and successful.

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The delicate balance of emotions at work

Talking about emotions at work is like opening a big pandora box. But I will have a go, because there is so much to learn I’m hoping this can help you on the journey. Emotions are like a giant...

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Do you know your value?

We can be the last person to really know how much value we bring. Which is sad really. As the new year rolls in, it’s time to fully embrace your value and see where it takes you.

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You don’t have to be a superstar, but…

We don’t have to set up goals aligned with what we think we ‘should’ do this year. But it’s a good idea to set some that feel right with who you are and where you are at – including taking it easy to recharge. Here is my personal take on how to set the right goals.

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How to beat overwhelm

Overwhelm has that special ability to paralyse us when we are at our busiest. Find out the best things to do to regain control and not let it stop you.

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What’s your capacity?

Knowing what is your actual, not your desired capacity isn’t easy. Find out what are the signs you are at capacity, and how to address this at work.

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How do you even get started?

How to find the time to think about next career move when you are so busy and overwhelmed can be a challenge. But it all starts with your decision.

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