Hello! This is my background….
My name is Cécile Fery, and I am here because I care a lot about women being happy in their jobs. And I think it is possible to have a great, fulfilling job, no matter who you are. Pretty much all the time. But I see so many women unsure of how, or doubting themselves or simply not helped, that I have that strong desire to share what I have learnt and to help them. Because we all have what it takes, and just sometimes need a little champion on the side to help along the way. Or to help us solve a specific situation we are stuck in and does not make us feel good. Does this resonate?
I have been fortunate to have a great career to date, of course with hard work but also my personal strengths of confidence, drive and strategic thinking. I have stumbled along the way, made mistakes, learnt lessons, got my fair share of frustrations and setbacks, and have enjoyed my time on so many levels.
I picked up on a lot of information or ways to make things better, because I am passionate about maximising my life in general. All these things they don’t teach you at university or business schools, and that you only hear when you are lucky to have a great mentor or boss. These things that make you a better worker, get successful at what you set out to do, and make you enjoy your time at work a lot more. Call that the ‘practical’ way of working in a job, and in a professional environment.
More to life than work…
Another wave of breakthrough learning came when I took time off work to have a child. Like most women I wasn’t prepared or helped to juggle things at work when I returned. I see so many women in the same boat, who are torn between work expectations, their own and what is currently going on in their lives. Does this sound like you?
I don’t know you, but I don’t just suffer in silence or accept the status quo. I have got a lot of insights and real-life advice to share here if you are with me. I understand the pressure, the ups & downs and the underlying question of ‘what should I do?’. Seriously if that is you, I want you to know there is a way.
Since becoming a parent, I have had that desire to put my business and personal skills to the benefit of helping people, specifically women as I love seeing them succeed on their own terms, their way. It is such an exciting time for women, with the rise of our careers, technology and the opportunity to have children which all are reshaping the way we live our lives. I personally don’t think you need to be either the ambitious career woman, or the stay at home mum – I believe there is another path that we need to design collectively.
A few years ago I quit my long-term relationship and am now living as a single parent, whilst running my business and working in a part-time job. This is the best life experience and growth I’ve had in years. Throughout this time, I’ve mastered the art of work-life balance, emotional balance and building a strong sense of self. All things I can share with you and help you have in your life too.

I am available to work with you one on one, or via my workbooks. Sign up for my blog and free resources, so I can help you along the way and you can see for yourself. Follow my podcast The Career + Life Catch Up for lots of tips and sound advice on your career, mindset and life optimisation. Tell me what you need, and I will help in any way I can. Until then, thank you for visiting my page and sharing your time with me.
Wherever you are at, I wish you all the best in your work and your surrounding life – you so deserve it.

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