I recently ran a survey to find out what mattered to women in their professional lives, and what they most needed right now. It was very insightful, validated a lot of what I see, hear and do in my business. And it brought new question marks as well. Given that this appeals to both the researcher and the coach in me, let me pull apart for you the key trends I’m seeing and what it means for all of us.
Before I get into the results, let me share one observation. I was amazed how women gathered around social media and in my environment to help out and contribute. This is saying women already form a powerful community, ready to be activated. And this also means there is a crying need to be heard. The open comments were so honest and valuable, I felt like I was having some actual conversations. So if this is you, look at where you can start taking action. Don’t wait for the magic moment, the perfect course or the right job. Do some research and try something out. If you are thinking about coaching, reach out to have a discovery call. Those things are very easy, non-commiting and can help you progress.
Let’s get into the results. First up, the loud and clear picture. What women really want right now is a job that is fulfilling, enjoyable and allows balance in their lives. It is not about material goals like dollars or bigger roles. The quality of their professional life is the ultimate compass. This is true of all human beings by the way, men want the same I’m pretty sure. But this is saying that despite all the song & dance about work-life balance, it is still a critical issue that isn’t solved. Nearly 50% of respondents are facing challenges juggling work & motherhood. Stress, overwhelm and capacity are all major issues amongst us. So I’m not ready to give up the work-life balance topic anytime soon. We need to demystify this conversation and make it plain real and actionable.
Another source of need for modern women is a boost to their sense of self-worth. This is showing up across various needs, from extra confidence to selling yourself, knowing your skills and managing your personal brand. Women are very self-aware of how they are currently showing up in the world vs. where and how they would like to. They need to close that gap so they can step unwaveringly into their presence and achieve their potential. Do you feel that gap? That ‘if only I could…’ or ‘if only I knew how..’. The fact is, the answer lies within you. You just need to uncover the thoughts holding you back, and be your authentic self no matter what. Identify what is creating that gap in the first place and how to move past it. That’s not a quick job by the way, but the rewards are priceless.
Now I need to outline some of the question marks I’m seeing in the results as well. Women want jobs that bring them the quality of life and meaning they crave. But they don’t see this as being compatible with being a leader. Could this mean women are afraid of stepping up? They want leadership skills, but don’t want leadership positions. Does this echo a need for individual satisfaction, rather than a call to inspire others? We talk about getting more women into senior positions, yet they don’t seem to want it themselves as a priority. And many of you quote a lack of inspiration and opportunities. Is this real or perceived? There is possibly a gap between what organisations are trying to achieve and what women are ready for.
The perfect vision I’m getting at is this: if we collectively find ways to ease the load on women at work & around it, they will enjoy their work more and give more of themselves. Businesses will benefit, and gender balance won’t be the talk of the town. What organisations need to do is creating the right conditions to help women find balance & effectiveness. And women need to lean into opportunities, instead of retreating in ‘safe’ land for fear of taking on more, or being so busy being great at their job they can’t get clear on their next step. Neither can happen without the other. So my recommendation is that you drive your own future, looking at businesses that will offer you what you need to strive. And trust that it is possible for you. Get excited, and make it happen!