Life is really one big unpredictable story, and every chapter brings up new learning. I love looking back and watch what I have learnt. What great lessons have you gained in your work life this year? I’m sharing here my biggest learnings, hoping that you can take some on board to help you too.
A year ago I was sitting at home, on extended sick leave. I was in a corporate job that left me stressed, unwell, exhausted and deep down out of alignment. Today I’m sitting at my desk after a great coaching session with a client, writing my blog, sending out my newsletter, and launching Facebook ads. Meanwhile I’ll finish early to take my daughter to a catch up in the park with some friends. How things can change in 12 months! If I can do this, so can you. You just need to decide…and take some inspiration from the learning experiences below:
- Things are actually not as hard as we make them out to be: it’s easy to get stuck in our fears about change. Once we get past that, do something about it, and when we start becoming what we want to be, it’s actually pretty easy. Because we are doing what’s right for us. I thought I would have a mountain ahead of me to change careers, but it turns out it was pretty seamless. Because I was carried through by massive interest and enjoyment vs. what I had been doing previously. So my advice is to dive in, once you know what you truly want.
- Guidance is priceless: I live by what I preach and I also use external people to guide me and coach me. When I didn’t, I took much longer to get things done or procrastinated. I wasted precious time pondering some questions or what direction to take. Figuring things out on your own is good, just not permanently. I know what kind of guidance I will need next year, and I’ll commit to getting it. So if you are in new territory or stuck with your own thoughts, find yourself the right guide and do it.
- Money isn’t the main success indicator: this took me a while to uncover. I was conditioned by years of earning comfortable salaries, spending lots and waiting for satisfaction in between. After a few months in business, I realised that my priority should be doing what I love, not worrying about how much money I make. The day I turned this switch, my creativity floodgates opened and my enjoyment levels jumped up. So if you are attaching lots of value to your salary, you might be missing the mark.
- We are all called in to do something that reflects who we are: it does not matter what the end game is, but we owe it to ourselves to be our authentic self. I never thought I had so much to offer myself until this year. Working in a complying ‘phantom’ job isn’t really living or worthwhile. We all have unique traits and qualities that are just waiting to be used. You might think this takes years and maturity, I think you just have to start and see what unfolds. So where would this take you?
- Looking for outside validation is pointless: you can really become anything you want, and the world will adjust. We might think ‘but what will people say or think’ but truly, everybody comes around one way or another with what you are doing. And it does not matter at all. I don’t know why we obsess so much about other’s opinion, because they don’t have much of one after you actually take action. Your whole life might have changed, but theirs hasn’t an inch. So why bother?
Here are my special thoughts as I wrap up this exciting year. I’ve got tingles up my spine just thinking about the next. How I am going to push myself to new heights, and all the new and amazing learning that will follow. What about you? If you need guidance, head over here to download my Yearly Planner (if you are a subscriber go to the Library). What were your learnings this year? Feel free to share in the comments below! Let’s get wiser together.
Yes! I love this Cecile. So glad to hear that you are happy and living life on your terms. I am about to do the same – and I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings! Merry Christmas to you and your family xo
Thanks Sarah! I hope you have an amazing year in 2018 too. Enjoy the break x
I love your article Cecile! It’s truly inspirational to follow you on your journey and see what is possible if you decide to make a change. It really made e think about my own year as well as the year that lies ahead.
Thanks Maria – I wish you all the very best for 2018 as well!